Shortly after this photograph was taken, we took the field against some team of expats from Thailand I think. Grewers made a particularly fine little break before he was collared by their scrum-half, who then decided to start pumelling the poor lad's head with his fist. Your correspondent was mysteriously the closest player to hand, so I charged in and attempted to intervene. Moments later, as Bouch remarked, it was like Swansea on a Friday night. I was yellow carded for being the "third man in" and we developed a taste for pugilism that found full expression later that night in the famous Ringside Bar. Only in Manila will you find a bar where there is a boxing ring and you are encouraged to fight your mates (albeit in comically oversized gloves) when you can hardly stand up.
This tour was also notable for the appearance of a friend of Richard Lewis's (back row, far right), who claimed to have played for Wales but was pretty rubbish. No surprises there then...
Enough reminiscing I feel.
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Would they play Rugby at that attire? that's funny.
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