Above: Gus demonstrates his sporting nature by turning his back to the opposition and offering them the ball. A fat bloke attempts to assist. (Picture: Brian van Langenberg)

Above: Nice shot of life at the coal face. Note the look of concentration on Tim Edgar's face; he's seen the ball at the DEA 8's feet and is preparing to fling himself at their No. 10 in the manner of Lewis 'Mad Dog' Moody. The Club backs are up nice and flat. (Picture: Brian van Langenberg)
ANYWAY, there you go. It's great to finally get some photos of us on the blog. These were kindly provided by Tim Edgar's friend, which is why they are a bit Edgar-centric. I really want lots more photos - they make this blog so much more interesting than my usual waffle. Please send 'em to me at
adam.harper@asia.ing.com and I will publish the b*ggers, every one.
More to come ahead of tomorrow's games...
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